Slamdance Competition 2020

Feedback has been edited

Written by analyst 20-10248-HO on June 1st, 2020

THIN BLUE VEINS is a genuinely terrifying and suspenseful horror-thriller.

The story’s anchored by its two likable, charismatic leads Faye and Willow, whom the reader strongly roots for. Faye and Willow also have clearly defined character arcs over the course of the story, as their sheer bravery and keen survival skills exponentially grow.

The story’s antagonists are also utterly frightening... The supporting characters … are charismatic, appealing and fully realized, as well.

The script features numerous edge-of-your-seat terrifying scenes of Faye, Willow and the other women trying to evade capture... The storytelling adeptly conveys the sheer horror of these scenes, making them highly impactful. And the story steadily builds in dramatic tension, complexity, high stakes and urgency as Faye and Willow gradually learn of the new dangers awaiting them in the abandoned house in the forest, and as they then fight for their lives...

Additionally, the script compellingly explores its central themes involving police brutality and corruption, the grim reality of domestic violence, and the insidious ways that government entities like the police department and mayor’s office can cover up atrocious acts of illicit violence carried out by the very people who supposedly protect and serve the public.

The script even gives a subtle critique of the inherent violence perpetuated by the MAGA movement... The script ultimately ends on a satisfyingly triumphant note … and even gives the reader a fun cliffhanger...

Overall, THIN BLUE VEINS is quite a thoroughly terrifying thriller with strongly rendered characters and compelling central social themes.